
Hubby was sick during the Thanksgiving holiday so I detoxed from all the overtime and stress at work with Deus Ex. 😛 Hubby though had already purchased Dishonored 2 for both of us, so I started it this weekend. (He’s already finished both!)

Dishonored 2

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Spiffy loading screen. Dishonored 2 is set 15 years after the first game. You also end up with the choice of playing Corvo again or his daughter Emily.

Tutorial Section

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Whales are still very much a strong motif in the game. 😛 The tutorial is from Emily’s POV as she’s being trained by Corvo. Emily is a bit of a whiner. lol.

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Whales are still in all their decorating! lol.

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The art for the city is lovely. Great attention to detail.

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That is one gruesome whale. Look at those teeth!

Game Beginning

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Emily and Corvo are about to enter the main hall at Dunwall tower. It is the 15th Anniversary of Emily’s mother’s assassination. The prior empress.

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The people are still rather rough looking. lol. That’s Corvo’s profile on the left. He’s Emily’s Protector as he was for her mother.

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The party pooper – Delilah. An unseen yet major player in the first game. Thought we were done with her, but somehow she’s managed to come back. And so the troubles begin.

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She has some major sorcery going on. Since I chose to play Emily, she’s wrapping Corvo up in a stone skin.

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A piece of artwork in the tower. Time for me to make my escape.

Have a lovely Sunday!