
Quarter End has proved as harrying as usual this quarter. Ugh. There are still reports and more to do. One of the ladies came in sick last week, and I am horrified that I might have caught whatever she had. Noooooooooo!

Anyway, more peeks into…

Secret World Legends

20170716072231 70f135c3 meTwo weeks after the bee flew into my mouth, I have finally learned to control my new found power.

20170716072233 6b3e8a9c me

That’s when they come for me.

20170716072235 ba10f6c4 me(I should have lightened these up! Argh!) He is a representative of the Dragon. They believe in controlled chaos.

20170716072237 f537f9ed me My first view of the streets of Seoul, Korea.

20170716072240 00690806 meNice work!

20170716072242 0f3149fb meFollowing butterflies to get to one of the Dragon’s places. Yes, butterflies!

20170716072244 b7c989a5 me

A gentleman who gives me some insight into what I am getting into as well as the other major players out there.

20170716072252 6175ae33 meLook at all those tattoos!

20170716072254 4ba8a434 meMore tattoos!  This lady is about to send me on a mental trip. She’s also a major tease. 😛

20170716072256 b9a4c326 meDid I mention she’s a tease? 😛

Hope your coming weeks is more fun than mine! 😛