Welcome to another installment of Mind Sieve. Some great stuff to share with you all this week!
Also stirring up the format. What I had before caused a problem, so let’s see if this works better. 😛
Fan Fun
New Thunder Cats series! Article by Marc Bernardin over at io9.com – There’s a preview video here! Looks like it might be more serious/grown-up than the original. Looking forward to see what they do with it.
Shared by Rachel Caine is GameView – a fake gaming blog by her friend Glenn. The Half-Life’s Gordon Freeman speaks out entry is pretty cute. 🙂
Rob Thurman has a Cal Leandros Series Book Trailer at her website. Pretty snazzi! She’s even got a widget! Dang. I want one for mys stuff! lol.
Social Media
Kristen Lamb’s Twitter Tuesday post #7 – where she covers the pros and cons of auto reply DM’s.
Nathan Bradford talks about How to Get Started on Facebook for authors. I’d already done most of what he mentions, and like him, was very excited once I realized the power of a Book Page.
Writing Advice
Chuck Wendig shared a link to this post from the National Association of Writers in Education called New Skills For Writers where they explore how the jobs of writers may be expanding.
Shared by Kristen Lamb this blog post comes from Writer Unbox and was written by Donal Maas – What Are You Afraid Of explores why some novels don’t go quite far enough.
Kristen Lamb shared a link to a post by Jody Hedlund – Enduring the Pain in the Quest for Publication. Some good tips to keep in mind on the long arduous journey!
Chuck Wendig dug deep and brought up the following – How Not To Starve And Die As A Writer. Some good questions and pointers here folks!
If you’ve ever been curious about the glamorous life of an intern at an agency, here’s you chance to catch a glimpse. The Knight Agency’s New Intern – how Whitney got there and the truths about slush piles.
Kristen Lamb talks about the beginning of your novel in her post “In The Beginning” Part One – Normal World.
That should keep you all busy for a bit. heh heh heh.
Have an awesome week!