Pics for this week…
Our puppy, Serenity, graduated from her first training school.
As you can see, my daughter is camera paranoid. 😛 And those sad puppy eyes? She can turn those suckers up several more levels than here. Lady killer!
Petapixel shared A Surreal World Seen Through Puddles – really quite cool!
My evil brother thinks it’s funny to send me pictures of food he’s cooked that I won’t get to eat. Bad Brother! 😛 These are all Puerto Rican dishes – arroz con salchichas (rice and veinna sauseges), beans, and mofongo (garlic and mashed plaintains). YUM!!!!!
NASA shared a majestic photo of glaciers in the “celestial mountains” of Central Asia taken by Space Station astronauts. A super awesome toboggan ride!
And I’ll leave you with this bit of golden sunlight peeking through thick clouds – an omen to us that the cloud fields were dispersing. 🙂