Grab onto your hats as this is going to be a whirlwind this week. Also thinking of trying something a little different to give you more of a taste for the posts. Let’s see how that works out…

Fan Fun

SoonerCon via Youtube shared a link to a Japanese Anime preview for the X-Men! Looks somewhat rad!

Mo Tanchareon shared a link from for a preview of the digital series Mortal Combat: Legacy. The fighting didn’t look bad, but not enough there for me to form an opinion yet. 🙂

SooneCon forwarded a link from of an article that says starting in July all Star Trek episodes of all series will be available from NetFlix. (DS9 has a later release date of October.) Sweet news!

Donate and help to reality an AT-AT for America. No, you read right. Peeps are getting together to try to make a fully functioning AT-AT from Empire Strikes Back. Wonderful weirdness! My inner geek is giggling like mad! Hee hee hee!

Electric44 via Ziteapp shared an article and video about T3 Motion’s revelation of an electric vehicle prototype. Very stylish interior!

For those of you who watch ABC’s show Castle, you might recall he mentioned having a website. Well, he does for reals! And actually has FAQ’s and writing advice. Check it out!

Barbara Hambly finally has a WEBSITE! Woot! She’s had a Live Journal account for a long time, but she finally has an actual website! Yay!

Author Platform/Social Media

Leyl Master Black has a list of the Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes. Shared by Collen Lindsay and GoldBugGroup.

Chuck Wendig had guest bloggers last week. Here is Karina Cooper’s post – How Not To Be A Dickface As A Writer. (NSFW) Great points in this one.

Here’s a taste:

“May I have your attention, please? Hi. My name is Karina Cooper. I am a writer. Are you all paying attention? Yes? Good. Ready?
“Charlie Sheen.
“You know that thing you just did? That tic? That, right there, is why you want to hear me.” (Continued at blog)

Pam Moore tells us Social Media: A Little Less Talk and A Lot More Action.
Here’s a Taste:
“Listen up folks! It’s time for conversations, relationships, Twitter chats, and Facebook parties. Social media is one big relationship! You must tweet, post, like and talk all day. As long as you’re talkin’ you’re being social. Since you’re so social, you’ll do great in social media as long as you keep making friends, chattin’ and raising your Klout score doing such.” (Cont…)

Pumpyourbook shared a blog post from John Ames over at Beyond the Books Blog where he explains in detail How to Create A Facebook Welcome Page. (I have one, but need to make others.) This is a nice step by step walk through, even if you have minimal tech savvy. Quite nice.

Fondalo shared a post over at Bundle Post by Robert M Caruso on Mind Your Content – Social Media Sharing Opportunities That Fail.
Here’s a Taste:
“As a Social Media guy, I am constantly posting, connecting, engaging and building relationships online. For those of you that know me at all, you know a large part of that for me is helping others. A component of that is showing #Gratitude to others in various ways. Thanking, retweeting and sharing other peoples content are a few of the ways I do that. But some of you unintentionally make that extremely difficult for me. If you make it tough for me to help you, then you are making it tough for others as well.” (Cont…)

MKelly007 wrote a post about 11 Rules of Social Media. Basically she tells us to be friendly, be nice! Both of which are great rules to live by!
Here’s a Taste:
“Since social media is, well, a social medium, it’s important that users understand the proper ways to behave online. No, just because you’re behind a computer monitor in your mom’s basement doesn’t mean all social etiquette goes out the window. It’s quite the opposite—following proper social media etiquette is a key to being successful online (and to making sure you don’t make a complete idiot out of yourself.)” (Cont…)

Kristen Lamb asks – Are You a Twitter Tyrant or a Twitter Activist. The next of her Twitter Tuesday features.
Here’s a Taste:
“This Week’s Fail Whale–The Twitter Tyrant.
“All of us have passions, and that is wonderful. Being passionate makes us feel alive and gives our lives purpose. But, when we are building a platform, especially in the beginning stages, we must be mindful to always express our passions in a positive way. Ranting on Twitter is never acceptable. I have had people I had to unfollow simply because every time they tweeted, I needed an antacid. Life is stressful enough without volunteering for an ulcer.” (Cont…)

Peter Shankman argues that Facebook and Email are NOT Distractions But Necessities.
“My original title of this post was going to be “Disagreeing with Julia Morgenstern.” Then I figured, why give her the SEO juice? No, seriously, I figured the above title would be more beneficial to what I wanted to say today.” (Cont…)

Writing Advice

KeikoMushi shared her discovery of a blog post by Savannah J Foley – Mistaken Newbie Writer Beliefs. Lots of truth here folks! WORD!
“I have been a noob. Or, as I have often seen it called, a ‘huge, flailing noob.’ Now, I’m still pretty new to the writing business in general, despite having written over six complete manuscripts, having an agent for two years, and of course being a part of this blog.” (Cont…)

A Lee Martinez talks to us about Emotional Resonance, Writing, and Other Complicated Stuff – Worlds Apart.

S Blackmoore tells us to Go Ahead, Shoot the Baby on a guest blog over at Terribleminds. (Don’t pull your punches! Maybe? Hee hee.)
“I’ve been watching a lot of film noir from the forties and fifties over at Noir City, the noir film festival going on this month at The Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, and I’ve noticed something that’s been bothering me.
“There are a lot of happy endings.” (Cont…)

Nathan Bradford tells us Everyone will have a Chance but not all of them are equal! (Too true!)
“This is indeed a great time to be an author. No longer must manuscripts disappear into the drawer, never to be heard from again, lacking only a publisher’s best guess. Now, no matter what people think of a book, it can be published and try and find its audience.” (Cont…)

From Roni Loren – Top 5 Mistakes Writers make at Conferences (Some good points, peeps!) 😛
“So, I’ve mentioned before that I’m a conference whore. I think part of it is that I’ve always loved learning. I have nerd DNA that can’t be escaped. But the other part is that I have so much fun being around other writers. It’s like finding your home planet after feeling like you were the only weird one all these years.” (Cont…)

From Chuck Wendig (NSFW) How Not To Bug The F*** Out When Writing A Novel. Great advice as always!
“There comes a point during the writing of a novel when, in the thick of it, some 30 or 40,000 words deep, you look down and wonder, how did you get naked, exactly? Where are your clothes? Why are you covered in grass-stains, your flesh marked by thorn-scratches? Why in your hair do you smell boar’s blood and the mating fluids of forest nymphs? Time is lost in clips and stretches. You feel disconnected from your body.” (Cont…)

Chuck also discussed this week – The iPad for Writers. Apps to use, how to use the iPad in general to be more productive writing, etc.

And a new category this week…


DirtyWhiteCandy shared by Larry at the blog.
“On Thursday I got the email that all writers dream about. It was from a major television network, inviting me to appear on their morning talk show as part of their regular “author’s corner” segment.” (Cont…)

Victoria Strauss from Writer Beware wrote a blog post entitled Atlanta Nights The Movie: From Hoax to Film. Quite enlightening and shows how truly weird life is.

Okay, that’s it for this week. Let me know if you like the “taste” segments or not.

Happy reading!