Mashup, mashup, mashup! Loads of stuff this past week.
From FansOfMovies I learned about this article from the Hollywood Reporter about Beasts of Burden being brought to the big screen!
Totalfilm came the news that Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” is coming to HBO.
JamesRollins shared a link to 30 Things You Might Not Know About Raiders of the Lost Ark – list composed for the films 30th Anniversary! (I feel so old!)
StarBase75 shared a link to DVICE and their list of 12 Ways Technology Has You Living Star Trek’s Future Today. (Hee! I love the bedrooms!)
Building Real Connection With Real People by Darlene Quinn. Lots of great points! I know I’ve had great benfits from putting the relationships ahead of the advertising. 🙂
JP Jones shares 10 Ways To Improve Your Author Website. I have just about all of these items and totally agree with him!
Kristen Lamb talks about More Sacred Cow-Tipping: Blogging Misconceptions. (This one seemed real familiar but could be I read it and forgot from earlier. Anyway, good stuff to know.)
Chuck Wendig’s Official Writers Guide to Blogging About Blogging. A semi-rebuttal to Kristen’s blog as well as his own two cents on the matter. Hee! (Of course he’s showing one of the benefits of blogging. Getting blogging fodder by reading other blogs! Now if I had a clone…) (NSFW)
Twitter Tuesday – The Power of Names by Kristen Lamb. And she’s dead on on this! (I really should break down and do a blog about how everything I learned about social media came from Star Wars Galaxies. I really should. Heh heh. And no, not explaining, need to read the blog to see (now to write the thing! Argh!)
Carolyn Kaufman shows us the difference between Psychotic and Psycopathic! She also has a post on Cardboard Cutouts Make Rotten Villains.
Chuck Wendigs tells us 25 Things You Should Know About Plot. (NSFW)
Rejection and Recovery by Philip Isles. Awesome stuff to keep in mind.
Gary Smailes shares 6 Publishing Secrets Writers Need to Know. You tell ’em, brother!
Gene Lempp tickles our imaginations with Tunnel of the Dead. Great way to get your imagination pumping!
Okay, I think that’s it. Till next time!