(Having surgery this week so prepping a post for Friday ahead of time because I’ve a feeling no movies will be seen for a week or two (*cry*) while I recover. Dying to see Cowboys vs Aliens and Captain America, but they will have to wait!)

Many people believe that all an author does is write their book. Twenty to thirty years ago that would have been true, but nowadays authors must wear many other hats to try to get their books out there and into the hands of readers.

One of the least expected ones (aside from Marketing Guru) is having to become an artist! And I’m not talking being an artist to make covers, I’m talking about art skills for all the extra materials you have to get out there – like logos, bookmarks, business cards, banners and more!

So anyway, I figured I’d share some of the things I’ve been busting myself on for the last few weeks. You see, I decided my old book marks were too boring.  Case in point:


Yeppers, the old book cover, back cover info and urls with fancy name. They’ve done me good service for many years, but I really felt it was time to spruce things up more! (I’d also ordered a way bigger size than I meant to back then! Oops!)

I lost a little room on what the book’s about, but they look so much more handsome, don’t you think?

BookMark Crossed2X6web
BookMark Price2X6web

BookMark Samurai2X6web

BookMark Vassal2X6web

BookMark Willing2X6web

BookMark LogoSiteNovels2X6w

I’ve double sided them, so two books per bookmark. With the last one odd out, I added a backside that I think came out quite nifty with all five covers. πŸ™‚

What do you all think? Improvement or not? Do you prefer more book info? Or is the bits tantalizing enough?
I also have business card sized promo with the book cover and tag line on the front, the book back cover on the other side. Had the newest one I really wanted to show off but looks like I forgot to upload it. Will sneak it in if I can, if not, I’m sure I can find another time to foist it on you. Heh heh.
BC Price SD1Web

BC Samurai SD1Web
Have a great weekend!