This may be a sparse edition. What with all the chaos last week at work, thyroid operation, recovery, etc, etc, etc. But let’s see how far I get.
Gene Lempp shared this link to the Chicago Sun Times and an article called CT Scans Unravel Mysteries of Field Museum Mummies. This is without taking them out of their sarcophagi so their preservation is not endangered. Make sure to check the attached gallery to the article. Several repeats but some cool photos as well.
John Carter of Mars preview! YES!
I still have the vision of the Martians from the old time Edgar Rice Burrough’s covers, so these guys look a little emaciated to me. lol. But with the lower gravity, it also makes sense. Looking forward to this one!
From the Peeps who made Chicken Run and Wallace and Gromit – Pirates! YES! Looks too funny.
From FansOfMovies came a link for the Batman: Dark Knight Rises trailer. Sweet! With an article at the Holywood Reporter.
21 Google + Circles You Can Actually Use from Happy Place. Yes, very tongue in cheek, but quite funny too. Heh. Scarily, some of these will probably get used. lol
Tony Eldrige shared 6 Promotional Item Ideas for Your Book. I do some of these, others, I am probably not looking in the right places because I’ve not found them for cheap. Some of you may have better luck. And the M&M site? What fun!!!! Uploaded a couple of covers and they look so cool! Haven’t decided if I will buy though. Heh heh. But So COOL!
Pam Moore does a real nice breakdown on what is a Tweet Chat in Tweet Chat 101. Very in depth and eye opening.
Debbie Ohi gives her take on Google + and what she’s hoping to accomplish with it. (She’s got a MG/YA project for authors/illustrators/etc going on it already!)
Ack! Ran out of time! (Normally these buggers get set up on Thursday nights for Monday. I lost several nights here this past week and there’s other things to do. Urk!) Will flood you next week with more Mind Sieve Madness!
Have an awesome week! And feel free to suggest great blogs you’ve come across or other fun things for anyone who comes by here to see. I can’t catch everything. 😛