Serenity in Your FACE! Heh heh. She is HUGE! Helping me convalesce. Look at those eyes. She uses them quite effectively to guilt us around or try to make us feel sorry for her. She’s so cute.
Did I mention she’s HUGE! And I don’t think she’s done growing yet. (Need to take pics of the cats so they don’t feel left out. Heh heh)
Not the prettiest album cover, but it is the first CD I ever bought and still one of my top favorites. Got it before I even had a CD player! I’d misplaced a stack of CD’s years ago and ran across them the other day. I was so HAPPY! Some of them I can’t replace. (Hojo Tsukasa Rules! The anime has never quite lived up to the art of the manga.)
Texas welcoming me back to work! This is also the sunrise on 2011 31st consecutive 100+ degree weather. The record is held by 1980 for 42 straight days. 2011 is now in second. Will it replace the 1980 record? (I hope NOT!!!!)