Monday, Monday!
How a NASA Discovery Could Launch a Coup in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Justin Fritz. This is like super cool! Biocapsules! Carbon Nanotubes! Woot!
From Tim Burton – Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I am SO there! They had me at Tim Burton. lol.
Branded: The Importance of Being Self-Aware by Clayton Smith. While here they’re talking about companies, it is still quite thought provoking for us little guys. Not sure how you go about becoming Self-Aware though. (And do I REALLY want to know? Eek!) 😛
Do You Know What Business You’re In? by Rachelle Gardner. Cool post on questions authors, publishers, and agents should be asking themselves in these changing times.
From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig – 25 Things You Should Know About Protagonists.
Mining For Character Emotions by Sharla Rae. Good stuff!
Bring Back That Loving Feeling – What To Do When You Feel Burned Out by Kristen Lamb. Good advice ya’ll!
And that’s a wrap! Have an awesome week!
P.S. Since Zumaya Publications is having their Kindle Thriller Sale, my novel Vassal of El is still on for only $2.99! Just FYI! 😛