Woot! Holidays! (Because there will be much suffering at work once the new year hits. Need to milk these last few days off now! :P)


kaze no tachinu
Woot! New Ghibli films next year and one is Miyazaki’s!  Sweet! Article about the news at Nerdist.com

The Great Gatsby Trailer. Oooo!
Pacific Rim Official Trailer – Monsters and Mechs! Woot!
G I Joe Retaliation Trailer 3 – some new scenes in this one. Go Joe!
Bwahahaha! Smurfs 2 Trailer (Still haven’t seen #1 eek!)

From the Social Media Examiner – Facebook Enhances Controls (And more!)

Social Media Overload: How Do Authors Reach Readers? Advice From Best Selling Author Roni Loren at Anna R Allen’s Blog. (Great post!)


Physical Attributes Entry: Noses by Becca Puglisi  from The Bookshelf Muse.

Whoever Told You Editing Was Easy is Nuts from the Behler Blog. (Great stuff!)

May you and yours have a fantastic holiday season!