Greetings! Let’s see how far I get today. Been one of those weeks. Heh

The Trinity by Erez Marom at  Love the sweeping look.
m Red Eyed Tree Frog 7 5 2011 24
He has some really cool shots at his website too! The Queen of All Frogs. The Macro, Landscape, and people. Awesome work!
m Vatnajokull Ice Cave 17 12 2011 hdr7
Nautilus by Erez Marom. Oh yeah totally cool stuff!
iceclimbing 5
BTS: Shooting Adventure Photos of an Ice-Climber with Off-Camera Lighting from PetaPixel. Fascinating pics of the ice and climber for sure! Photos by Kamil Tamiola.
tilt 6
Love the geek factor of this one – Falls of Mordor. Photo by Nikhil Shahi. He has some really awesome looking stuff at his website too.

Hope everyone has an awesome Wednesday!