Greetings! Let’s see how far I get today. Been one of those weeks. Heh
The Trinity by Erez Marom at Love the sweeping look.
He has some really cool shots at his website too! The Queen of All Frogs. The Macro, Landscape, and people. Awesome work!
Nautilus by Erez Marom. Oh yeah totally cool stuff!
BTS: Shooting Adventure Photos of an Ice-Climber with Off-Camera Lighting from PetaPixel. Fascinating pics of the ice and climber for sure! Photos by Kamil Tamiola.
Disorienting Portraits of People Walking About in a Tilted World from PetaPixel. Photography by Romain Laurent. Kind of cool, no?
Love the geek factor of this one – Falls of Mordor. Photo by Nikhil Shahi. He has some really awesome looking stuff at his website too.
Hope everyone has an awesome Wednesday!