Going to see OZ Thursday has botched my prep schedule! Doh! (Been at AllCon all weekend.) Plus found out Saturday I am losing an hour. No! I was counting on that hour! Oh the humanity!

So no idea how far this post will go this week. Heh heh.


Survivor Trailer for the upcoming new Tomb Raider game. Looks rather good.
capitol portrait katniss everdeen
Tor.com has the full set of the new promo posters for Hunger Games Catching Fire film.
New Oblivion Trailer 2013. Looking forward to this one!
After Earth Trailer 2. SF Year of movies Woot!


Talk Human To Me: 20 Tips to Humanize Your Brand from Pam Moore. This is aimed at businesses, but a lot of the principles work for us smaller fish too! 🙂

9 Consumer Media Trends That Could Impact Marketers by Patricia Redsicker at the Social Media Examiner. Again, written for bigger fish than us, but still chuck full of useful info.

7 Tips for Making Your Blog a Content Marketing Magnet by Heidi Cohen at the Social Media Examiner.


Resistance is Futility by Gene Lempp.

25 Things Writers Should Beware by Chuck (NSFW) Wendig.

Oh my goodness! I actually made it! YAY!!!!!!