Good morning!


N130728 01
They do have the most gorgeous caverns!
N130728 02
So nice!
N130728 03
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N130728 05
A woman of my own race.
N130728 06
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N130728 08
Nice little village area
N130810 01
Just completed our horse quest. These are rentals. Love the weird coloring on mine.
N130810 02
Check out the awesome pic of the elf sorceress on the wall.
N130810 03
Deep in a mine.
N130810 04
They’d been excavating all sorts of statuary pieces.
N130810 05
She’s beautiful
N130810 06
Baddie of the mine
N130810 08
Cragmire Keep
N130810 09
N130810 10
Hosed this one, but you can still see the cool altar thing.
N130810 11
And this is when a miracle happened! I finally figured out how to get rid of the UI for pics!!!!
N130810 12
Yes, it was startling. What I found funny is how they made sure the games name would show up on this mode.
N130810 13
Playing with the mouse so I can take better pics without all of us in them all the time. YAY!
N130810 14
They have the coolest doors.
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Isn’t this gorgeous?
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The scurvy pirate!
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His throne room. Nice!
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My new hunking sword.
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New armor and dye job. The cleric there tried to kill my pic. How rude!
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Wofl informant. He really, really hates the bandits.
Have an awesome day!