Weather is a changing!


D130912 01
Yeah, because obeying them has worked out so well. πŸ˜›

D130912 02
I have to say that is a sentiment that’s hard to argue with.

D130912 03
Not sure how they city will ever come back from this chaos

D131003 01
Carning was nice. Though it hales a place not so nice. A whale processing plant

D131003 02
Unusual graffiti. Warning of things to come.

D131003 03
This is such a sad view. πŸ™

D131003 04
Turns out Granny is way more than I ever thought. She’s been doing rituals too.

D131003 05
Her hidden altar to chaos.

D131017 01
Tried to take a pic of what was happening and ended up only with my hand. Solocov and the scientist at the pub really came up with something together! Knocked out just about everyone in the surrounding area. Sweet!

D131017 02
Where the traitorous bastards have taken Emily – the lighthouse. A super fortified and hard to get into place. 

D131017 03
View of the coast from the lighthouse.

D131017 04
View down from the lighthouse.

D131017 05
The rooms at the top of the lighthouse. The final reckoning. Yet also some surprises await.
I finished the game!  I did! Huzzah! Tried to take a pic of the final sequence (which will vary depending on how much killing you did or did not do) and then forgot to paste it. I’m happy to say, mine was the hopeful/happy ending. πŸ™‚
Now to play a jillion missions on other two extra packs hubby bought me… Wheee!