Prepping this ahead of time as the Icemaggedon gets in full swing today. Wonder how bad it will have been by the time this goes out. Hmmm.
Fan Fun
Tor has a link to the video and a nice article about Peter Davidson’s the Five(ish) Doctor’s Reboot. (30 minute short and 50th Anniversary tie in.) It’s totally adorable. And the more in depth a fan, the more you’ll get out of it. Make sure to watch through the credits as those end bits are some of the best parts! And slow the credit list as well – they got all sorts of Doctor family members to participate in the fun. Too cute!
Social Media/Author Platform
What Makes You So Special? The Magic of Selling Books by Kristen Lamb.
How to Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile with Professional Portfolio by Donna Moritz at Social Media Examiner. Sounds like people can get very creative with this! Something else for the To Do List. Oi!
Writing Advice
7 Ways To Cut Your Novel Without Losing Anything Important by Roz Morris. Good stuff!
I’m fading fast…so I will call it a post!
Have an awesome week!