Doing this puppy way in advance. So it shouldn’t be late! 🙂
Snow Owl by Morris Bennett Altman at I love the owl’s expression. Kind of like “Hey, kid, you’re bothering me. Shoo!” Heh heh
He’s got lots of bird, animal pics, and more! Nice work Altman! And this guy here also looks like he’s saying something. “Hey, you! With the face!”
Evening Commute by Dave Gordon at Love, love, love the way the clouds are rolling in!
He has more awesome San Francisco pics at his site.
Photographer Brings the Landscapes of Brothers Grimm to Life in Haunting Photos at Petapixel. Article by DL Cade. Photography by Kilian Schoenberger. Great pics and atmosphere is awesome. 🙂 According to the article, he’s color blind – but it sure doesn’t stop him from taking amazing photos.
Kilian Schoenberger has even more jaw dropping work at his site. Look at that view – Amazing!
22 Images From NYC’s Golden Age of Bridge Building by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan on Gizmo. Some oldies but goodies.
Till next time!