Let’s see what I can share today. 🙂
The River Zion by Jon Secord at I love the connection with the river, as if it has gone from the ground to the sky. 🙂 He’s got lots if nice shots at his site as well!
Green Pool by Brandon Nixon at So peaceful!
Brandon Nixon has a lovely site too! It includes mountains, landscapes, real estate, and more! He’s putting that camera to all sorts of uses. 🙂 (Dang – love that mountain shot!)
I Quit My Job and Spent 3 Years Visiting 60 Countries with My Camera by Walter Chang at I can’t even imagine doing that. He got some great shots too!
Portraits of a Baby Boy and Bulldog Who Were Born on the Same Day by Michael Zhang at Petapixel, Photography by Ivette Ivens. OMG – they’re so adorable!!!!
Have a great day!