Morning! Hope you’re keeping warm!

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


20161218070535 def67ab1 me

One of the neat things about the Deus Ex universe is the cool posters. All sorts are out there. Propaganda, movies, and more. 😛

20161218070537 7f8969dc me

All sorts of secrets and passageways can be found in the sewer.

20161218070540 b638d3d4 me

The local police. Some are more honest and less rude than others. There’s a major crackdown on augs for their papers.

20161218070542 c28c99cf me

Some lovely cobbled streets. And get a look at the snazzy cars! 🙂

20161218070545 6ec3e6d0 me

Local convenience store.

20161218070547 1189d286 me

This is an add incorporated into an awning. Freaked me out the first time I saw it. lol.

20161218070549 851d102b me

Inside of another local business. Love their window!

20161218070552 ebaa8a4c me

The rock to the left is dangling by wires. Modern art concept? And yes, this part of town has graffiti everywhere.

20161218070554 f05af935 me

A better view of the dangling rock.

20161218070557 7a62f120 me

This poor place has taken a major hit. Right now it is crawling with angry mobsters. It’s an antique bookstore. Also, it houses a buddy specializing in augmentations and might be able to help me get mine back online. 😛

Have a good day!