Good morning!
Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend!
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter
View of the grounds and clubhouse of the archeological society.
Some giant carved rocks appropriated for the club grounds. 😛
Scotland Yard – didn’t change from the last game, which made the new Sherlock and Watson stand out in my mind. 😛
Inside the archeological society’s clubhouse. It’s a neat place!
Some of the items donated by the members.
Long cross view of the clubhouse.
London’s sky in the morning.
Steelworks factory for fences and statues. Also a giant puzzle on how to get into the owner’s office!
An unusual bedroom belonging to one of the suspects.
Loved this thing!!!!! A world map made of metal. Once the final piece is placed, it opens a hidden chamber inside. So cool! (Pic caught it in mid opening. :))
Have a great day!