
Mini Movie ReviewMurder on the Orient Express:

Murder On The Orient Express

I’ve watched the 1974 version of this film numerous times. It too had an all-star cast. This new version is as good if not better than that one! Awesome performances, beautiful vistas, loads to love!

I’m trying something a little different this week. Not actually sharing every last picture I took. I will attempt to be more particular on what I put in here. I always end up with way more than I use. I have a trigger finger with regards to photos. Lol.


Wolfenstein The New Order

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Once again, there is no question as to whose place we are in. 😛 That is one solid door.

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Some famous personas.

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A few more…

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Loved these! Yeah, I have a thing about fixtures. lol

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Still being restored, but this is a beautiful hallway. The indirect lighting is awesome. 🙂

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This would be General Deathhead. A very, very nasty man. As I will soon discover. (This painting is also a secret door! Sweet!)

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The cool windows and the rays of light. Lovely!

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A nice view of the nearby ruins. Too bad so many people are trying to kill me, or I would be more impressed. Lol.

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This is where I realized that there is NO WAY kids should play this game. Deathhead is evil, evil, evil. Pictured above is some of his handy work to obtain brains for his automatons. Brrrr.

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This is when we realize that running into this room was a terrible mistake. Eek!

Hope you had a good Veterans Day!