Windows did an update last week, and it took all the time I had to do the Sunday post. Boo! The update did warn me it would take longer than usual, but it went on way longer than I ever expected. Oh, well…
Mini Movie Reviews
SOLO – Meh. That was the feeling we walked out with after the film was over. Just meh. With the millions of dollars they are spending on these movies, you’d think they’d make sure they had a decent script. This was another “let’s grab scenes from the originals and use them again because fans are stupid and will watch anything.” There’s no reason for it. They pretty much lost me when they had Val commit suicide for NO REASON! They’d already been discovered, so blowing up the bridge was unnecessary by that point! Hello?
I also thought it was a bad idea making Han be in love as fervently as he was with Qi’ra. It belittles what he has later with Leia. And have you noticed that the farther back in time we go the smarter and more independent the androids get? The only bright point was Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian – he was fab! Rating: 3 out of 5 (Hubby’s Rating: Worth Full Price of Admission)
My Time at Portia
The gravesite for the people who’d been dead 300 years but had been Ack’s companions up in the space station that fell from the sky.
Winter around the area of the Hazardous Ruins.
Inside my Level 2 House – During the weekends the Commerce Center now has inspections rather than commissions. That giant Llama statue is one of the gifts you can get (they seem to be random) for helping out. Suckers are HUGE!
In winter, towards the end of the month, cute decorations and snowmen begin appearing. It is all leading towards a Hot Pot celebration. (The first year I did not realize when they said Hot Pot they meant hot pot! The spicier, the better. Eek)
There are a couple of higher end animals that will randomly appear (often after a massive culling). This is the Cutton Llama. Note his spiffy sunglasses, antlers, and fake bunny ears. Lol.
The game has added a photo-taking mode so you can take photos of yourself, with NPC’s, and also with no one in the frame. When you take the pic, you can add a caption, and the game puts it into a photo album you have inside the game. This is Sophie’s Ranch wheat field after I’ve installed a sprinkler system.
Construction of the town’s museum. Once built, you can donate equipment you’ve made for display and also reconstructed artifacts.
Here’s the museum construction further along. You can also see Pinky the town’s cat.
The finished museum building. It went up pretty fast! (Martha and Carol are performing their morning exercises.)
The main room of the level 2 house after I’ve applied new wallpaper and flooring. You can see the red clock (found in mines), the reconstructed telephone (4 pieces from the mines), a tea set (huge!), the music box (built it myself!), a small painting, and the Rat Prince’s ratty pink couch. You never know how big something will be. Always a surprise!
There probably won’t be a post next week. Chibi Chains and I will be in the Artist Alley at A-kon! We’ll be in booth I25. Drop on by and say hello!
Have a great week!
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