I haven’t talked about one of my weird coincidence episodes in a while. This one was too crazy/weird not to share.

For the last few weeks, hubby and I have been playing a game called Yakuza 0. It’s set in 1988 and has chapters in two cities which are a combination of multiple real Japanese cities. 

Just last week, we ran into a sub-story set in the city of Sotenboro for the character Goro. It was about a granny cutting in line in front of him, and when he complains she turns the tables on him and gets him in trouble. I’ve run into her three times. This is her:

Yakuza 0 - Obaachan

So imagine my surprise when I’m trolling about in Facebook and was looking at posts in the A-kon Group when I ran across this:

A group of older ladies rapping and looking just like the one in the game. She even gave me candy. ROFL!!!!
