Well, as of Friday, I am FREE! The job has ended. Now to see if we can make this retirement thing work. Health issues notwithstanding, I am excited to get writing full time! Booyah!
Lots of virtual pics uploaded, so if you want to see the ones I do not end up sharing, you can check them out here. (This time the link goes to the Assassin’s Creed Origins folder, rather than the homepage. :P)
Mini Movie Reviews!

3.5 out of 5 Stars
I’ve not played the Capcom game the movie is based on, so can’t say much about how faithful to the game it is. The CGI, landscape, and monsters are great. The world-building is sketchy – if you have thousands of spider things living in the middle of rocks in a desert, without any food (which there was none) they could not survive. But for action and weird beasts, it will do. 😛
Hubby’s Rating: See for Matinee.