Overslept this morning. Very unusual. πŸ™‚

Angry Birds Star Wars

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Don’t think I’d ever taken a pic of the puzzle group selection screen. 
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Look at the insanity of this puzzle! I’ve yet to get one of those golden egg things. I can’t even imagine how you even come close to getting near it. Got real lucky on this one and made it through. Was stuck on the one before it for a while.

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Now we’re above Hoth. Gravity wells!
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This one is proving a toughie. Ugh!

Mission 2

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You’ll probably have to click for the larger version to see the circling birds above. πŸ™‚

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Much to my amazement, I”m having to return to several places I’ve been at before for Mission 1. Oi!

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A weird haze seems to be covering things.

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When I took this, I had no idea they were about to tell me it was my objective! lol. Not as easy to get to as one might think. (And yeah, it’s a brothel. What a place to keep the empress’s daughter at. Eek!)

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Scientist and goodies merchant. 

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Sewers – as they introduce me to “Weepers” as the new annoyance (humans too far gone with the plague) rather than rats.

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View once I get dumped to the closest entry point to the zone with the Golden Cat.

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More circling birds and signs.

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New addition to the familiar zone. Sucker launches missiles and more. Nasty piece of business. And there’s also assassins running lose as well.

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Interesting message left on a wall.

Have a great one!