Morning all!

Going to try to do a full post. Wish me luck!


Symphony of Science – Onward to the Edge! Hubby shared this with me. Once the song starts, it’s just too cute!

Something else he sent me. These solar panel roof tiles from Tesla look awesome! 🙂

Despicable Me 3 “Minions Prison Trailer” and more. Like a musical! lol.

IT Trailer 2 (Extended) – Okay, that is one creepy looking clown! o.O

Social Media

Facebook Video for Marketers: Strategy for Future Success – I need clones. So many clones…

Introducing Instagram Stories – they disappear in 24 hours if you don’t move them to the feed. Not sure of the point of it?


Want To Grow As A Writer? Transform Your Critique Group by Writing Coach at the Writers Helping Writers Blog. Some excellent points in the article!

Have a great week ya’ll!