Sorry, if I seem to have fallen off the face of the planet lately. Life just seems determined not to let me do stuff I need to! Ugh! (Writing? What’s that?)
The movie this week was “American Assassin” – lots of great action and acting. Not sure their radiation treatment was correct for the protagonists, but they took it further than anyone has before. Made for some awesome scenes with the fleet!
Secret World Legends
Some definite ugly buggers are walking about Kingsmouth! Eek!
One of the survivors in the area trying hard to keep the creature population down.
One of the many types of draug. I think most are reconfigured villagers. Ack!
Harbor area. The beaches are all being used as hatching zones. Ugh
Looking back towards the harbor and town from the edge looking in.
The ladies and their tentacles are so eek! lol.
One of the things that hatch at the beach.
The Raven’s Knock – town psychic lives here. Once fake, now real! She’s not excited about it. lol.
One of the bridges in town. A total mess.
I need to remember to lighten the pics before uploading. DOH!
Mostly just wanted to get at least a post done this week! So tired! 😛 (And this is the slow month? Ugh!)