No mini movie review this week. We celebrate Thanksgiving on multiple days for each side of the family and fighting not to get sick with the temperature and weather changes, so never got a chance to go! 🙁
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Such Such a pretty jet plane. 🙂
A closeup view of the pilot. Not thrilled at augmented people but he warms up to me…eventually. 😛
Utulek Complex. One of those places that sounds great on paper but then goes horribly wrong. Being toted as a place augs can get a new start and build their own utopia. Yeah…
Love this plane!!!! The first close up look of Utulek.
The poster says it all. Lol.
Some do try to make the place better. Not that there’s much to work with in this place.
The lost ones.
These guys are not here to “serve and protect” that’s for sure!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and weekend!