It’s going to be a full load this week! Lots of stuff!
Fan Fun
From Seth Green twitter feed I got this link about Nathan Fillion who made it onto the cover of Entertainment Weekly! Nice little write up with the cover pic at
SoonerCon shared this link to a pseudo steampunk film by Luc Besson, the same man who brought us Nikita and the Fifth Element, called The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-sec. The preview is totally awesome!
Candance Haven linked the latest preview for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. More movies for my to be watched list!
Author Platform
Nathan Bradford has a great post on Face Book for Authors. Most of the steps are very easy. A few may have changed slightly as Facebook just did a major change with fan pages, but most should be viable.
Kristen Lamb’s Twitter Tuesday #10 is right on the money this week. You’ll note that I already follow her advice as from the get go I went with @GloriaOliver. 🙂
10 Ways to Increase You Likebility Quotient – another Kristen Lamb zinger for this week! I do some of these already but I really need to clone myself to be able to participate more. Ugh!
Writing Advice
Kristen Lamb talk about her kitchen junk drawers and at the same time shows us where we can get idea and even help ourselves with our writing.
Donna Newton asks the question “What’s in a Log Line?” And taking some lessons learned we get a before and after picture of hers. Very good advice for pitches.
Log line and actual content get discussed in Hooking the Reader and Never Letting Go by Kristen Lamb.
This bit hits home for both writers and readers. Part of it stems for a current discussion on e-book pricing, but it’s the bottom half that I want you to look at. It’s something I’ve touted about in my blogs a time or two – The Care and Feeding of Your Favorite Authors – from the indomitable (if not safe for work) mind of Chuck Wendig.
Nathan Bradford talks about a problem all of us writer types face – How to Find Balance? (Cloning! I tell you, cloning is the answer! Bwahahahaha!)
Stalled on your novel? Need ways to jump start the old noggin’ again? Chuck Wendig has made a list of ways for you.
Okay, I think I will stop there. lol. This should keep you busy for a bit. 😛