I’m thinking of making a logo graphic for Mind Sieve and Picture Kaleidoscope blog entries. Have a wonderful visual that came to me this morning for the Mind Sieve. Let’s see if I can actually finds pics to make it so! With any luck, maybe I can unveil it next week. Don’t hold your breath though, this things can be harder to find pieces for than you might think. 🙂
Fan Fun
There was some bad news last week as Dr Who fandom lost Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen). Tom Baker, who played the Doctor from 1974 to 1981, wrote a beautiful letter remembering his time with Elisabeth.
If you enjoy ABC’s Castle, you’ll love this video about a possible spin-off called: Sex and the City with Boys. Cracked me up! hee hee!
Also, here’s the evolution of the Batman Symbol. So Cool!
From FansOfMovies came a link with news about the animated film based on Frank Miller’s Batman Year One.
From NCIS_CBS we get preview photos from NCIS all new episode on May 3rd. See Tony back in the day! DiNozzo before he joined NCIS! Flashback episode! Woot!
NCIS_CBS also shared a link with pics of Cote de Pablo on the Late Show!
Stana Katic shared a video made by fans for her Birthday last week. How cool is that?
Russ Pits Talks about Minecraft, society, and bears! (I don’t he’s learned that enough torches will keep the zombies out. Shshshshsh! Don’t tell him!) 😛
Author Platform/Social Media
Kristen Lamb talks about Schizo Tweeter on her Twitter Tuesday Blog.
Then she asks how we’d feel if we found out our favorite blogger wasn’t writing his or her own blog.
Jodi Hedlund has some great advice we should all keep in mind with Social Media and building our Author Platforms – Loving and Taking Care of Our Readers.
Writing Tips/Advice
Kristen Lamb takes us through the 7 Deadly Sins of Prologues. Some good points here on how they get used wrong.
Jami Gold shared this post by Lisa Gail Green on Point of View. Hitting deep and fast.
Staci ONeale shares the Worst Writing Advice I’ve Ever Received.
Nathan Bradford says it like it is and talks about The Fate Factor. (Yeah that pesky part of the business we can’t control!)
Jordan McCollum shares a multitude of revision styles in R is for Revision.
Coping With False Starts – Julie Eshbaughs’s take on it and how it might actually be good for you.
Kristen Lamb talks more on plot – Choosing Our Path: Genre Matters. Some nice notes on what you should be doing in particular genres, or knowing what you’re not doing.
Ten Steps for Editing Your Own Writing from Mark Nichol. Some very good tips on this list.
Great (yet mind troubling) post by Nathan Bransford on Spaghetti Agents!
And Chuck Wendig came up with a stellar list this past week! 25 Things Every Writer Should Know. (And he’s not kidding!) Possibly NSFW!
Also Colleen Lindsay and TheSekritProjekt are now revealed! Go check out Book Country. A new place for writers to gather together, get and give crits, as well as converse about the craft of writing and more.
That should be enough to make your brain hemorrhage. Until next time!