Let’s see what fun stuff I can give you to play with this week. Might even get a little funky! πŸ˜›


Found out from SoonerCon that they’re doing a live action Cobra: Space Pirate! Won’t be out until 2013, but check out the poster. Looks fab!

Fan Fun

From FansofMovies got the heads up that Javier Bardem has officially signed on to the movie and TV projects based on the series of books by Stephen King – The Dark Tower. Sweet!

Teaser video from Weird Al for his upcoming album called Apocalypse.

From Examiner.Com comes a article about a huge asteroid that will buzz the planet. No Need to Panic! Should be way cool.

There’s a new Harry Potter trailer out! FansofMovies shared it this week.

New Transformers trailer out as well.

Author Platform/Social Media

Kristen Lamb talks about what I am doing right here! Heh heh. She calls it a Mash Up.

Pam Moore made a list of 21 Tips to Get Your Tweet On! Advice for Twitter usage.

10 Reasons People Hate Your Website by Nick Stamoulis. He’s got some good points in this list!

Twitter Tuesday from Kristen Lamb where she talks about Uptight Twitters and Chill Twitters. Managing Twitter time!

Kristen also started a Twitter Revolution this past week – the Love Revolution. Using #MyWANA in a search column for Twitter to meet with other Tweeps and get some We Are Not Alone support!

Tony Eldridge has some advice and gives us 9 Non-Technical Tips To Finding Readers for Your Blog.

Larry Braune blogs about how we need to Start Selling Yourself.

Knowledge for Writing

Sean McLachlan gives us info on Medieval Handgonnes. Awesome info tidbits to fire our imaginations and make us more accurate in our fantasy writing!

Leather Armor in the Middle Ages by A J Walker. Some really interesting tidbits about leather armor and assumptions previously made. Great stuff!

Writing Advice

The 5 Stages of Writing a Novel. Rhonda Eudaly passed on the link to this video. Hilarious and horribly, horribly true! lol.

Elizabeth Spann Craig has a great post called Modern Mythology: Publishing Myths. She exposes myths held by author, even publishers. Good stuff!

Joanna Penn points out and gives tips on Five Common Writing Problems.

Sharla Rae has a great post called Put Your Flabby Writing On A Diet. Lists of words and examples of duplicate or multiple words best said with less. Check it out!

Chuck Wendig talks about What Novelists Can Lear From Screenwriters. And some tolerance on both sides too!

Nathan Bradford walks us through – How I Edit. It might work for you or it might not, but has some nice ideas.

Tony Eldridge gives us 4 Tips On Making Your Book Available To Book Clubs/Reading Groups.

Kristen Lamb walks us through How To Show A Character’s Inner Demons. I’m like really partial to this one as she uses Black Swan as an example. (Loved this movie!)

Janice Hardy has a step by step program on pumping up the Narrative Drive. Good stuff!

The 3 Stages of Querying by Jody Hedlung. Funny even!

Gene Lempp talks about Designing from Bones: Aurignacian Lion Man. How archeology, history, even a picture of something can open up creativity. Good post!


Matt Leibowitz did a story at MSNBC on how crooks are using links in e-books to scam the unwary author and readers – Novel Scam: Cybercrooks Target Kindle e-books.

That should be it for this week. Have a good one!