Been recuperating all week, so haven’t done much, but let’s see what I can dig up. 🙂
Hmmm, well, I did just finish Rosemary Clemment-Moore’s latest book called Texas Gothic. Loads of fun! Magic, ghosts, TEXAS! Booyah! What more could you want? 😛
And for anyone interested, Rob Thurman (another awesome author) is doing a big shindig for the release of Basilisk this very week! (Bromance to the MAX, ya’ll!)
Hah! Not sure where to put this one. Chuck (NSFW) Wendig has a post on Turning Writers Into MotherF**** Rock Stars. Very tongue-in-cheek. Kids, do NOT try this at home! lol (He’s so crazy!)
Kristen Lamb gives us 10 Tips for Blogging Awesomeness! Great things to keep in mind for blogs!
Janice Hardy did an interesting post on Write What They Don’t Know: Manipulating Your Readers for Better Plots. While she makes several good points, this is the kind of thing you need to be careful on. While a mature author can pull it off, someone still beginning could get into a lot of trouble with this. Just something to keep in mind. (And make sure to keep track of them as you use them too!)
Testing the Idea – Is It Strong Enough to Make a Novel from Kristen Lamb. Good points and sources to look at to boot.
Larry from gives us a list of 5 Creative Flaws That Will Expose Your Lack of Story Telling Experience. These are DEAD ON, guys!
From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig – 25 Ways To Become A Better Writer. WORD!
Looks like this is going to be it for this week. I should be back to normal *fingerscrossed* by next time, so more bombardment is imminent. 🙂
Please feel free to share any superb stuff you’ve come across in the comments, or discussions on any of these bits. PARTY!