This week was chuck full of links on Twitter, so there’s a lot of sifting to go through to get you the best I can find. Diving in now!


A cool featurette on “Tin Tin” with Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson. (OMG! Just saw Steven Moffat was part of the screenplay writers!  Woot! This is so going to ROCK!) (Does Moffat ever sleep?)

This is also super cool! Curiosity is the next rover that will go to Mars. It’s bigger, with more equipment, and more! There’s a quick video comparing the two and other info. Sweet!

Shared by brasonja, a post from sharing 40 Personal Letterheads of Influential People. Some of these are quite fun!

Vintage Letterheads 36

SonnerCon shared a link to a blog post with a 13 minute remake of Batman’s The Killing Joke with Shadow Puppets!!! Mind boggling! (In Spanish, but you’ll want to watch it anyway! Trust me.) πŸ™‚

Catie Rhodes has a nifty post about History vs. The Ghost Story when she talks about Louisiana’s Myrtle’s Plantation.

From Read, Write, Web – Meet the New Digital Public Library of America. Oooo! This has possibilites!

FansOfMovie shared this preview to The Chronicle. I’d no idea what this was. Make sure to at least watch a full minute. The film is not what it first looks like. It was like DANG! has a sneak peak at a godly confrontation in the movie “Immortals“. Looks fun!

Nathan Fillion sent a link to this post about Joss Whedon’s latest project Much Ado About Nothing. With the peeps in this cast, this will be a ball!

From William Shatner – Bohemian Rhapsody.  I apologize up front, but you won’t be able to look away~! lol.  

FansOfMovie also had a link to the Borrowers Movie!  Woot! Done by Studio Ghibli with the English translation through Disney. It’s called The Secret World of Arriety. Looks GREAT!

Gene Lempp’s Designing From Bones series – this week – The Copper Treasure Scroll. Fun stuff. Will get the mind percolating for sure. πŸ™‚


Agent Rachelle Gardner has a nice eye opening post called Publishing in the Brave New World.

I don’t normally have time to watch videos on marketing but this one is only 60 Seconds Long. Peter Shankman on Grow A Twitter Following.

Roni Loren did a nice post on Author Websites: What Do Readers Want? (We’re making the things for you after all right? We want to give you what you want! :P)

Roni also has a thoughtful post about Killing the Mystique: Can You Know Too Much About Your Favorite Authors?  (Familiarity breeds contempt? Bwahahahahaha!)

From Kristen Lamb – Numbers Are Our Friends – Writers and the Wild World of Metrics.

And one from Jami Gold that adds even more to the pot – The Insanity Behind the Pressure to Have “Numbers” (as pertaining to social media).


From The Blood-Red Pencil – Things That Drive an Editor Crazy. (Bwahahahaha! Oh, wait, we’re NOT supposed to want to do that. :P) Good stuff to keep in mind.

From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig – 25 Reasons You Won’t Finish That Story. Bravo!

Structure Part 4 – Testing Your Idea – Is It Strong Enough to Make an Interesting Novel? by Kristen Lamb.

Dang it, eyes are rolling into the back of my head. Guess this is it for this week! Happy reading!