Welcome back!
Good to see you. 🙂
Red Dawn Official Trailer – looks like they’re doing a remake of the 1984 Classic! (For SPN fans – Both Jessica and Papa Winchester are in this one.:P)
Judge Dredd Preview – this is going to be fun!
And speaking of fun – The Man With The Iron Fists trailer.
Silver Linings Playbook Trailer. Looks too cute! And weird! Yay!
Spy Ships – Behind The USS Liberty Incident from Jay Holmes at Piper Bayard’s Blog.
Reviewing Reviewing: What Do Authors Want? by Elizabeth K Burton.
Bookstores vs Backlist: A New Decision from Jamie Gold.
When Writing Is A Juggling Act by Stephanie Nickle.
Ask A Writer: “How Do I Write What The Audience Wants To Read?” from Chuck (NSFW) Wendig. Tell it, Brother!