A cloud covered, sleepy morning. Zzzzzzzzz.
The Outsider
After Mission 1 and meeting the people who gave you a chance to escape, you got to sleep and then wake up. Except you’re not really awake. You’re here – a mesh of times and places – the playground of The Outsider.
Water flows upwards here.
The Outisder. Not good, not evil, more like chaos personified. And you’re going to be his new agent. He opens up some magical like skills. The first one is Blink. The sign for it is in the pic below next to my new mana bar.
Very surreal place. An image of the Empress dead again.
Whales are a weird recurring theme. The method used to kill them is rather gruesome. They make sure they’re kept alive while being flayed. I wonder if the plague is whale retribution.
And speaking of whales, there’s the big one from the dream sequence. If you’ll click to the larger pic you can see it has weird jowels and OX8 written on the side. Weird!
Some machines I foresee being in my future. Eek!
The Outsider is also the one who gave me the heart. The one I suspect he made from the Empress’ heart. Double eek!
The tall spire there is the real spire. On the pic above this one, the spire was on its side and I am looking into it in the dream world.
Sunrise/Sunset over the city.
About to set off on Mission 2
Star Wars The Old Republic
Jedi Consular
(Went a little overboard this week)
Empire infiltrate area on Voss
Voss really has such cool designs.
Elevator shaft.
More Voss architecture
Roaming Voss Bovine. 😛
Love those lamps!
One of the main shrines of Voss. The Mystics are here.
Altar where we try to talk to the Mystics
Dream/Spiritual world where we are tested by the Mystics. The guys make a lot less sense when they speak than the Eshka, despite the fact they seem to speak in a straight forward manner. Almost gave me a headache. 😛
Big nasty and ourselves in spirit mode.
A Voss Mystic in the spirit world.
No idea what the thing in the back is, but looked cool.
Stone tablets of previous Mystics.
Love the glowing stone lamp, but also the cool flooring.
Yes, chains in all the decorating!
Bad Sith trying to poison the souls of psychic Voss people who didn’t make Mystic range.
Voss zone now taken over by the Gormak.
The Gormak look like Creature of The Black Lagoon relatives.
Their hands are almost claw like. (Love it when dead peeps stay standing. Does make for photo ops!)
Here’s another one. Look at the size of his bazooka! Dang.
I do love me some world in the background shots!
Inside another shrine. This one has not been treated kindly by the Gormak.
I’ve been out collecting relic pieces. Now to put them back together.
Have an awesome week!