Morning all! I’ve done something weird to my back muscles. Not happy this morning. Wah!
An ever closer view of the Golden Cat. Really is nice looking!
The Art Dealer. Not what I’d expected. He’s strapped to this chair because he WANTS to be. The Golden Cat caters to all types of clients.
Truly some gorgeous stuff in here.
Slackjaw is actually who will help me get rid of two traitors without killing them. Can’t wait to see how he manages it.
Ceiling in the Gold Room.
Gazebo type area in the back of the Golden Cat
View of the garden of the Golden Cat
Main interior hallway. Love the lamp! The back wall was full of paintings of women. Like a menu?
The princess’s drawing. The castle, unicorns, and rainbows. Poor kid.
Some of the decor in the non-client areas.
This poster was just disturbing.
Main client area. Gorgeous!
Have a great day!