I am so late! Came back from WorldCon straight into an 11 hour work day. So behind now…Eek!
These pics are all the ones in the phone. Still have to dig out the ones on the camera. heh heh.
Southwest finally finished their construction in Dallas. Loved the giant beams!
New funky ceiling art too!
All sorts of things depicted flying in this thing.
River walk view from the hotel in San Antonio
Skyline from the hotel.
The cutest serving of cheesecake EVAH! They put a tuxedo on the strawberry. Isn’t it cute?
K-9 pass one! He was remote controlled and was hooked to a gentleman who would speak as him. So cute!
The River walk areas all had different feels to them. This is under the convention center.
Tanya Huff! Woot! Finally got to see and sort of meet her. Heh heh.
The exhibition hall had different areas. This one had several daleks, the Tardis, and a replica of the Tardi’s control panel from one of the movies!
Oh yeah! (Looks so steampunk too! Heh heh)
Then there was the original Star Trek bridge replica. Squee! (More pics somewhere)
Two of my novels at the Zumaya Publications book and dolls and poster for Rie Sheridan Rose’s newest novel – The Marvelous Mechanical Man. (In the middle of reading it – Steampunk and Dime Novel fun)
Liz Burton at the ZP table showing one of the newest YA books by Kim Baccellia and two of the gifts we were giving away during the con.
Modern Art close to the hotel.
Aha! The Star Trek bridge pics! Heh heh
Steampunk Tardis!
She even had the interior of the Tardis inside her skirt lining! So cool!
Sunday morning screaming colors to wake us all up!
Will pop your eyes wide open. Better than caffeine. hee!
And she had a tail too!
K-9 Rulz!
More later. Just want to get this out!