Fan Fun
I, Frankenstein Official Trailer 2014 – Oooo, were-gargoyles! This looks fun!
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit trailer 1 – Hmm could be good!
Frankenstein – I heard about this at a panel on Sherlock Holmes at Fencon and had to go looking. This sounds so freaking awesome!
And it’s coming to the US through Fandango! To the Angelika Plano and Dallas in OCT/NOV 2013!!!! SQUEE!!! (Thank you for mentioning this today Melanie!) Got my tickets!!!!
In case you’re wondering what the heck I am talking about… Sherlock Holmes from Elementary (Johnny Lee Miller) and Sherlock Holmes from BBC’s Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) have done a stage version of Frankenstein where they each play the doctor and monster and SWITCH who plays who each night! And both have totally different interpretations. And BOTH will be playing at the Angelika on different days. This is going to be EPIC!
And insanely running around the internet to get this info and SQUEE – freak out – and check time conflicts – and check the dates for the Plano vs Dallas – and realizing I can make it – and manically calling hubby –
Yeah, the rest of the time to do the blog post went out the window.