Morning everyone!

Finally have a weekend to myself. Yay! Conventions back to back and the evil day job are not good for blogging. lol.


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Pretty, pretty kitty. Heh heh

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Foreboding looking places

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That is one cool heater.

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I’m a scuker for floating stones. lol. The blockiness of the ruins behind it are unusual

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Pretty! But cold!


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Back to the elven city.

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I do love the cool magical water. Pretty plants too!

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And the architecture? Squee!

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Very imposing

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Lovely detail.

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The elven leader is an odd one, but beautiful. 

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Vision of days past.

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Cool no?

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And that floor tile! So cool!

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That is one cool image!

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Love in War?

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Alliances made? Too long since I took these pics to recall. Wah!

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Hope your upcoming week is fab!