Let’s get touring!

Sherlock Holmes Crime & Punishment
Half Moon Street Case

2015 03 01 00001
Sherlock in disguise!

2015 03 01 00002
The circus’s main building. I thought we were going to do a lot in this area, but…

2015 03 01 00003
What some would call an opportunist. Heh heh

2015 03 01 00004
House where Sherlock’s new chums plan to rob the last of the three pieces of jewelry. Sherlock has his own plans for the place.

2015 03 01 00005
The place is in pretty good shape despite being boarded up.

2015 03 01 00006
Using what presents itself to make some traps. Heh heh

2015 03 01 00007
Mycroft and his views on the current matter.

2015 03 01 00008
The game is done… Some cool visuals in the credits

2015 03 01 00009
Showing crime scenes with see through perpetrators

2015 03 01 00010
Rather neat!

2015 03 01 00011

2015 03 01 00012
Ah! Look at the light rainbow! Nice touch guys!

2015 03 01 00013
Sherlock pondering how he will entertain himself next! 😛

I want to go back and get take the Roman pics! Now just need to find time to go do it! Wheee!