Here’s my schedule for ConDFW that’s coming up this weekend! If you’re in town, interested in writing, or just talking to other fans about books, science, and more, come on down!
PROGRAMMING 2 Friday, 3 pm: Brass Technology and Steam Power
Panelists: Julie Barrett, Rie Sheridan Rose, Gloria Oliver, Julia S. Mandala
The genre of Steampunk has always featured unlikely brass gadgets and powered by steam. Whether realistic or fanciful, these gadgets define a look which is unique for both costumers and writers. We gather our panelists to talk about how to bring these gadgets to life – and what lies in the future for Steampunk.
PROGRAMMING 2 Friday, 5 pm: Interstellar Archaeology: Part One – Initial Findings
Panelists: Mel White (M), K. B. Bogen, Scott Cupp, Ethan Nahté, Gloria Oliver, S. Boyd Taylor
The first of two panels where we inflict (discover) startling artifacts of OBVIOUS alien origin and our esteemed (and indeed, TRAINED) archeologists, in turn, tell us what the artifacts are. Light hearted fun, and bring ear plugs! This year we will take a mystery slant and see what story they come up with!
MAIN PROGRAMMING Saturday, 10 am: Unlikely Sources of Inspiration
Panelists: A. Lee Martinez (M), Gloria Oliver, Lillian Stewart Carl, Rhonda Eudaly, Patricia Burroughs, William Ledbetter
In this day and age of the Internet and wide exposure to many cultures, there are plenty of strange and unlikely sources to inspire you to write, draw, costume or even perform. From anime to webcomics to taking bus trips to strange locations, the human condition can express itself in many ways. Our panelists relate some of the more unlikely ways they get inspiration.
MAIN PROGRAMMING Saturday, 3 pm: 2017 Movie Forecast For the Geek Nation
Panelists: Mark Finn (M), Michael Ashleigh Finn, Ethan Nahté, David Doub, Gloria Oliver
Our panelists talk about upcoming films for the coming year – what is coming, what looks to be exciting and what moviegoers should watch out for.
PROGRAMMING 2 Saturday, 6 pm: The Survivor’s Guide to the Supernatural
Panelists: Melanie Fletcher (M), Sue Sinor, Gloria Oliver, Marshall Ryan Maresca, David Doub, Michelle Muenzler
If you were ever concerned about living in a world with supernatural heroes and villains, this is the panel for you! How can you survive in a world with mutants? Our survival experts try to guide you through the chaos. [Note: Survival is not guaranteed by attending this panel]
PROGRAMMING 3 Saturday, 8 pm: Yard Dog Road Show!
Panelists: Christopher Donahue, Linda Donahue, Rhonda Eudaly, Melanie Fletcher, K. Hutson, William Ledbetter, Julia Mandala, Tracy Morris, Ethan Nahte, Gloria Oliver, Teresa Patterson, Dusty Rainbolt, Rie Sheridan Rose, Bradley Sinor, Sue Sinor, Mel White
The fantastic authors of the Yard Dog Press put on their always entertaining Road Show! Make sure not to miss this.
MAIN PROGRAMMING Sunday, 1 pm: The Science of Space Flight
Panelists: William Ledbetter (M), Karl K. Gallagher, William C. Seigler, Frances A. May, Gloria Oliver
What is the state of flight these days? Pictures of possible space ships notwithstanding lets get down to brass tacks on what can and can not be done right now. Our scientists will mull over these issues and answer questions.
PROGRAMMING 2 Sunday, 3 pm: Worlds of Imagination
Panelists: A. Lee Martinez (M), Tex Thompson, Teresa Patterson, Heather Schwartz, Gloria Oliver
In “A Monster Calls,” a world out of a boy’s head comforts him as he deals with his mother’s cancer. The movie’s imagery is what calls you – seeing the gravestones, feeling the parsonage smash, it is very visceral imagery. Our panelists talk about worlds of fantasy that are in our heads – and how to bring them out.
Should be a blast! 🙂
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