by Gloria Oliver | Jul 21, 2019 | Conventions, Marketing, Virtual Tourism, Writing
Greetings! Yes, I dropped off the face of the planet again. Seems a rather common occurrence anymore. 🙁 While I am doing better than I have been, I am not 100%. Sundays have been elusive for some reason. The fact it’s quarter-end close and we’re doing it...
by Gloria Oliver | Mar 30, 2019 | Conventions, Marketing, Novels, Writing
2019 is proving to be a challenging year full of chaos and change. Change is not something we can always control. Sometimes it can lead to better things, and at others, not so much. Two major items hit in the last month related to the author side of my life. ConDFW...
by Gloria Oliver | Feb 11, 2018 | Conventions
The final programming for ConDFW 2018 is up! This year the convention is being held on February 16 to the 18th! Author Guest of Honor Charlaine Harris Artist Guest of Honor John Picacio They’ve changed locations this year. The convention is...
by Gloria Oliver | Jun 21, 2017 | Conventions, Photography
Greetings! I haven’t done one of these in ages! Not that I haven’t been taking pictures, but with the madness that has been the day job for the last couple of years, I’ve not been able to keep up and repost them. If you want to make sure not to miss...
by Gloria Oliver | Feb 8, 2017 | Conventions
Yo! Here’s my schedule for ConDFW that’s coming up this weekend! If you’re in town, interested in writing, or just talking to other fans about books, science, and more, come on down! Friday PROGRAMMING 2 Friday, 3 pm: Brass Technology and Steam Power...
by Gloria Oliver | Jan 7, 2017 | Conventions, Marketing
Greetings, all! Figured I would share my tentative 2017 Attendance Schedule with you. 🙂 October 20-22, 2017 DallasComic Con Fan Days in Irving, TX Sep 22-24, 2017 FenCon in Irving, TX Aug 17-20, 2017 Animefest in Dallas, TX July 28-30, 2017 ArmadilloCon in Austin, TX...