3 out of 4 people at the house are currently playing Thief now. Heh heh (I take credit for this! As I was the one who introduced them all to the original years ago and we’ve loved first person sneakers ever since. Woot!)

There are so many things I am LOVING about this fourth incarnation. There are also a few things I am HATING about it. Luckily the love is winning by a large margin!

2014 02 27 00031
The Watch is everywhere.

2014 03 01 00001
Beams and vents and all sorts of places to get in trouble with. Fog permeates everywhere, which is weird.

2014 03 01 00002
New for Thief 4 – collectibles! There are different types. What’s cool is that as you gain them and go back to the tower, they get displayed there. This one is Client Loot

2014 03 01 00004
Unique loot. There’s several others. You’re also collecting newspapers, documents, snake bracelets, plaques, and other weird stuff.

2014 03 01 00005
It is a very gritty city now.

2014 03 01 00006
Cool avenues off the ground you can use to get around the city. Though the whole place is something of a maze and the higher level stuff even more so. Can get a little frustrating.

2014 03 01 00007
My home is in the clock tower. 

2014 03 01 00008
Isn’t it awesome? Though super dusty because I have been gone for a year!

2014 03 01 00009
Collectibles and paintings go over there in that corner.

2014 03 01 00010
Garrett – still with the two colored eyes. 🙂

2014 03 01 00011
The sky is amazing. 

2014 03 01 00012
Basso, he’s good for giving me jobs and information. You can buy a bond to secure his loyalty and a price cut.

2014 03 01 00013
Even better look at Garrett’s eyes. 🙂

2014 03 01 00014
The store (a guy outside of Basso’s place). Some tools are not available till you complete certain chapters. Blunt arrows are your best friend! Water and rope arrows a total must. There’s also lock pick upgrades. And several new tools that will be must haves as they become available – wrench (for all the awesome ducts), wire cutters (cause there’s traps to kill you with!), and a knife fur cutting out painting from their frames.

2014 03 02 00001
Basso lets me know I can get some info from the Queen of the Chapel.

2014 03 02 00002

2014 03 02 00003
She’s the one that tells me I’ve been out of it for a year. Knows nothing about what may have happened to Erin.

2014 03 08 00005
Pic of the lock picking screen. You use the mouse and the E key. Woot! 3 tumblers to 5 so far.

I probably should do a Likes/Dislikes Top 10 list or something. Hmmm.