Good morning!

For whatever reason I can’t find the names of the places I’ve been the last couple of weeks. 🙁 Nooo!

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A gorgeous horse owned by a player

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He looks hungry, doesn’t he?

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Beautiful, no?

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Entrance to a the grounds of a witches school.

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The front of the school.

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Main entry room. And yes, they use pumpkins in ALL their decorating. lo.

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The magnificent ceiling of the main room.

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One of the young witches.

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One of the grand hallways

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More see through ceiling.

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The grand clock in the main entry room

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Signs of magic!

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Look at the awesome tile flooring!

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Killer pumpkins!

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One of the library rooms. So cool!

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One of the dormitories

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Looking down into the main entry room

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One of the student area.

Have an awesome day!