Got a ton of stuff to share with you this week. (Some of it was from last week’s overflow!) Doh!
Fan Fun
Candace Havens shared a link to the preview of the Three Musketeers in 3D! Lots of familiar faces too! Logan Lerman, Milla Jovovich, Orlando Bloom, Matthew Macfayden, Ray Stevenson, and Christoph Waltz as Cardinal Richelieu.
Vcinemashow is asking peeps to join them in Facebook to show your love of Asian Films.
SoonerCon shared the new trailers for Sega’s video game adaptations of this summer’s “Thor” and “Captain America: The First Avenger”
Dr Who has a cool 10 minute adventure online. Link curtesy of TopsyRT – Doctor Who: Amy Flirts With Amy? It’s too darn funny! A great time loop piece.
SonnerCon shares The theme to the Original Star Trek as played on a…SAW~! (Watch the people’s faces. They’ll crack you up!)
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan’s Eden Hotel has a $50-per 3-hour suite devoted to Batman. (Also shared by SoonerCon. I am sensing a pattern here. :P)
Dollhouse returns in comic book form this week with the brand new story “Dollhouse: Epitaphs” from Dark Horse. (News from MoTacharoen)
Author Platform/Social Media
From inkyelbows comes an updated list of Twitter for Writers. From the basics on up! (Looks super comprehensive!)
Kristen Lamb shows us how to – Go Hard or Go Home–Blogging & Branding. Tag like gang bangers. Own ur digital turf(As I was reading it I realize that though my blog had my name, I wasn’t using my tag line! Now we’re in business. Bwahahaha!)
YAFantasyGuide told us of Special Invite: Promote your books w/ character profiles.
SFWA posted a link to – How Not to Market Your Book. An actual sample (with the names filed off) of a letter received by Victoria Strauss.
Yes, there is a way to launch a FB fan page and not need therapy from Kristen Lamb. More eye opening wisdom!
How writers can use twitter to help SAVE TIME – by Kristen Lamb.
And cause she’s on a roll – You know what you need? More Blogging Cowbell!
From PimpYourNovel we have Getting Your Name Out There. (I so totally agree about going to conventions!)
Writing Advice
Chuck Wendig brings – “Beware Of Writer II: Revenge Of The Teenage Penmonkey From Mars.” Insights into a writer’s mind! (NSFW)
Kristen Lamb talks about Antagonists.
Trusting Your Muse! Good post by Gigi Salem.
A slice of a writer’s life. Stress less. Good advice by Writer Wellness maven JoyHeld. Shared by Kristen Lamb. Now I just need to find the time!
And that’s it for this week folks! Enjoy!