Here are this week’s offerings!
Jimmibjr wants us to test our Firefly mettle by watching the trailer for “My Little Serenity” (Fripping AWESOME!)
From FansOfMovies the link to the 3rd Cowboys vs Aliens trailer. Oh yeah!
Gene Lempp shared a link to a review by Tiffany White on TNT’s Memphis. It’s quirky and weird and I personally like it! Hubby even more so. Heh.
Kristen Lamb’s WANA (We Are Not Alone) Wednesday – Understanding Influence: Making the Most of our Time on Social Media.I am totally not good at this. lol.
Google + – Kristen Lamb shares her thoughts on the new Social Media outlet.(Right now, if you already have a Google Account you can sign up to get email updates (they were allowing immediate sign up but got flooded! Heh heh). I can only think of it as yet another place to have a profile and add to my humongous list. lol.)
CasseraComm wrote a post about How to Increase Sales by Watching TV. She makes some very good points! Useful for teasers on social media and trailers.
Justine Musk did a nice blog post on having a Brand and the Seven components of having one. Some definitely nice bits in here!
Gene Lempp takes us to his latest playground to get our mental creative muscles moving – Forest of Sand. (Don’t forget the sunblock!)
Chuck Wendig’s tell all book Confessions Of A Freelance Penmonkey is out! You can find all the info, some reviews and more here. If offensive language doesn’t bother you there are many gems to be found within his colored words. 🙂
What Separates Man From Monkey – post by Chuck Wendig. (NSFW)
Rachel Brooks tells us Why Writers Always Need to Be in “Writer Mode”. Hear, hear! (Though I’ve botched this myself a time or two or five! (always it too much of a hurry! oi!)) You just never know who might be watching. 🙂
Jami Gold shared this great post from Roni Loren on Death by Critique: 6 Ways to Avoid It.

P N Elrod shared a link to a Poetry Scam – info supplied by The Poetry Sanctuary. Sadly they are targeting kids – so beware!
That’s it for this week. Enjoy!