It’s Fall Back weekend for our clocks. Good thing we had the extra hour because I got stuck on a problem and went to bad way way later than usual for a Saturday night. Ugh.


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Big Baddie Time!

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Look at that mug!

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Not a happy guy at all.

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Way down deep.

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Another restful place.

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That is but a hint of what lies under the sand. Tail end. Nasty buggers.

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Bizzare object in the sand. 

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Here’s another. The demonic faces are something new.

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Yes, another safe spot to catch our breath.

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Water! Everywhere! Can see really far in it too. Neat.

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Lovely underwater plants.

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Some of the angry locals

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More ruins. 

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Baddies in the area.

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FISH! Back in the back. He pops up here and there. Dang it! I will get a full pic!

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Kitty! On a horse? lol.

Weather has changed and it’s cold this morning!