Books as Gifts and MORE!

A couple of my publishers and other organizations I am connected with are having either sales or charity events so I figured I would list them here in case anyone was interested.ARE – All Romance eBooks is taking donations for Conservation International. Only $5...

Christmas Cottage

Do to life, time constraints, what have you, I haven’t done any movie or book reviews for a while. But, I will be doing one today as this little movie is unusual enough and off the beaten path enough it needs all the help it can get. Besides, it stars Jared...

Auto Killer Aura

I’ve owned a lot of cars in my time. Of our household, my car is normally the least used, its main function to ferry me to and from school/work. And most cars I’ve owned have actually performed marvellously with very little problems. However…When...

Real Life – ARGH!

As an author, the last thing I want is Real Life intruding while I struggle to create Fantasy Life in a novel. But, that’s the thing about Real Life…it’s real and you have little control of it sometimes and it tends to intrude when you least expect...

Vaunda Perry – I miss you!

On 9/1/08 I received some terrible news. Just the final touch to an utterly nasty month. My long time friend, Vaunda Perry, had passed away on Wednesday 8/27.I’d know she’d had some troubles back in 2007, but from all reports she’d recovered from...

The Goober Factor

I’ve been horribly remiss on posting the last few months aside from Promo stuff. Very sorry! Life has taken some unexpected directions and something always has to pay. Ugh. At times we don’t get to choose what, however…Anyway, I’d been thinking...

Dream Realm Finalist and New Release!

Big news this weekend!!!! First – Willing Sacrifice, one of my YA Fantasy novels, has been chosen as a finalist in the 2007 Dream Realm Awards! Winners will be announced in August at Armadillo Con. Second – Ripple Effect, a charity anthology from Tears of...

My First Video!

I tried to avoid this as long as I could, figuring I already had way too much to do (not counting writing!) but this year I saw it was inevitable so…Here is my first book video!Since branding is in, I made the first one of myself and quick flashes of the...

Gloria Oliver’s New Logo

Well, in the last few years a lot of the talk has moved toward the importance of branding. Nowadays you need to push your name, a tag line, and even a logo just like any other product out there on the market.Thanks to friends, I was able to get a tag line that fits me...